NES Metroid Creepypasta: BRINSTAR

But when I went through the tunnel that leads to the next secter of brinstar, I noticed something. The other side of the tunnel was lined with a blood red block sprite. I know I havent played Metroid for a while, but i'm POSITIVE this wasn't in the game, I proceeded throught he next door with caution. When I was pretty suprised, when I entered this room I felt a sense of dread, the brinstar music that presently played was now slowed down, while being followed by a low pitched heart beat. The room was very large, and like the blocks in the tunnel, the entire room was red, I also notice in the the game that, my energy bar, and missle tank icons were missing, I now know that abnormality of the game has reached new levels. If I was going to beat the game, I would have to be very persistent with my actions. As you could see in the screen shot, there were two red
hits, but I feel as the abnormality of the game was trying to tell me something, as if it's saying "TURN THE GAME OFF" but that just made me even more curious, what was the rest of the game like? And what else would be in store for me if I continued? In the last stretch of the battle, the boss was now much faster, it would contstantly rush back and fourth, gnishing it's jaws, but soon this evil 8-bit abomanation was blown into oblivion, the creature died when it's abdomen finally exploded, and it sank into the ground, when it died, it dropped a missle expantion, I wanted to see what else was on the other side of the blue
hatch, I reluctentlywent through. Of couse I spent another seven minutes traveling through the red hallway until I found the other side. There was a sideways torizo statue, the hatch was grey, and the torizo was holding a purple orb, of course, the hatch wouldent open. I turned back, and as I walked back to the room where I fought the beetle, I heard a loud rumbling sound, and the screen shook. I cautiously proceeded through the destroyed hatch, to see that there was an opening in the ground, leading to kraid's lair, I had no choice but to jump down the hole, and go down the elevator, to kraid's lair...
Will be continued in "NES Metroid Creepypasta: Kraids Lair"
''Yeah right it will be continued.''
''Originally uploaded to Spinpasta by Tehbigcheez. Uploaded to Trollpasta by I, Da Ca$hman.''